We are kicking off our WAG OF THE WEEK campaign with the start of football season! Our first featured beauty is NFL wife Jessica Trufant.

Not only is Jessica beautiful, stylish and a fabulous wife and mom, she is down-to-earth and real. We can dig it.
A Little About Jessica...
Jessica Trufant, popularly known as the “FabVMom,” is wife to former Seattle Seahawks All-Pro Cornerback, Marcus Trufant. The couple was fortunate to spend all ten years of Marcus' NFL career in their hometown of Seattle, Washington and are still enjoying the city today. Marcus and Jessica now have five beautiful kids, four girls and one boy. In 2016, Jessica started a blog, “FabVMom,” and it has quickly become a great platform for her to share her life with others. Jessica’s blog talks a little bit about everything! Blog topics include her thoughts on motherhood, being a wife, the NFL life, fashion, travel, fitness and the downright CRAZY! This blog is by no means your “average” blog. Jessica is very transparent and focuses on staying true to herself. Good or bad, she keeps it real and takes you on a journey into her personal life.
Check it all out, at www.FabVMom.com.
“If I had a life mantra, it would be, “Can't stop, won't stop!” I believe that whatever you do, wherever you go, or whatever life throws your way, you just can't stop and most certainly can not let anyone try to stop you from doing what you want to do and being exactly who you are meant to be!”
Jessica is also involved in her husband’s foundation: Trufant Family Foundation. There are three pillars the foundation focuses on: to help improve the quality of life for children (which includes providing college scholarships), Youth Football Programs, and “TruFitness” programs for children and adults. The foundation is proud to pair with other programs that benefit individuals suffering from Sickle Cell Anemia, Autism and Leukemia.
Find out more at www.TrufantFamilyFoundation.com.
WAG OF THE WEEK is brought to you by WAGS REDEFINED (@WAGSREDEFINED) and LUX WAGS (@LUXWAGS). Want to nominate a WAG? Email [email protected]