WAGS REDEFINED is a movement to advance the platform and community for the wives and girlfriends of athletes AND COACHES through media and live events.

Our Team

Our management team is comprised of a diverse group of passionate and dedicated women. They oversee the day-to-day operations and set the strategy for all WAGS Redefined entities: WAGSRedefined.com, WAGS Redefined Magazine, WAGS TV, and WAGS Redefined Events.

The WAGS perspective! Our contributors bring you the latest in real WAG life experiences. This amazing group of women believes in the true meaning of WAGS Redefined just as much as our founder.

Our on-the-scene reporters are specialists in sports, entertainment, and women centered news. They are a vital part of the new wave of WAGS Redefined, delivering fresh content for WAGSRedefined.com and WAGS Channel.
Our History
It all started when WAGS REDEFINED creator LeShonda Martin Googled “NFL wives” in July of 2015 with the intent of finding a community of women in her shoes to connect with. To her dismay, not only did she fail to find a group for pro football wives, but the only results were articles on someone’s opinion of the hottest and prettiest wives and girlfriends of the league. In fact, the number one result on Google was “28 Hottest Wives of the NFL” and there were dozens more with similar titles. This was discouraging to Martin, and she decided to make a change within her community and provide a new, more truthful narrative on the women standing beside the men. WAGS REDEFINED is the go-to destination for athlete wives to use their voices and connect with other WAGS, regardless of team, league, or location.