“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."-Luke 5:4
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”-Isaiah 54:2
Have you ever been in a season of your life where you felt you should be doing more, accomplishing more, providing more and stretching out more? Well, I believe that every once in a while we all go through this type of season. The frustration comes when we cannot figure out how to achieve the thing(s) we feel that we should be doing.
These verses remind me that sometimes we must cast our “net”—dreams, plans, hopes, desires—a little deeper in order to retrieve the bigger thing that God is trying to bring to us. Do not allow fear, doubt, unbelief or past rejections to stop you from going deeper after the things you know God has spoken to you. Open your heart, your mind and your hand to receive the harvest of what you have been diligently working to complete. If there is something you know you have put down for a season, pick it back up...but this time, take your plan and strategy a little deeper than last time. Seek God for a fresh plan, new ideas, insight, and renewed passion and energy.
When you reach deeper, your territory becomes enlarged. That means what may have started as a small idea will be stretched into something much greater. God has greater in store for you if you will allow Him to stretch you for the purpose of enlargement. This concept makes me think about women who carry babies. The moment you find out you are pregnant- you see nothing, you feel nothing, but you are excited because you know change is about to take place; your body will make enough room for your baby to grow. You soon begin to see the roundness of your belly form and growth happens week after week.
Wow! How awesome is it that the same analogy can apply for what you are expecting God to bring forth in your life? He is stretching you now to make room for the awesome gift that He is getting ready to place in your hand. Do not be afraid to enlarge your territory so that you can expand to your full capacity and birth the greatest thing the world has ever seen.
Let’s Pray…
Father, I thank You for these awesome women who depend on You, who lean on You and who trust in You. They all have hopes, dreams, desires and tremendous amounts of work they want to accomplish.
Father, give them insight, strategy, clarity of mind and spirit. Allow them not to be afraid to cast their nets deep and enlarge their territories for growth and success. I decree and declare success by the work of their hands and they will regain momentum to complete the work that You have started in them.
Father, give them balanced lives and strength to endure all the shifts, turns and preparation that it will take to complete their assignments. Father, I thank You for stretching these women to their full potential in You and allowing them to birth everything that You have placed in them. I curse the spirit of fear, doubt and unbelief and release the spirit of power, love and soundness of mind over every woman that reads this prayer in Jesus' name, as it is in Heaven so shall it be on earth— Amen.