Featured WAGS Dionne Boldin: Wife, Mother, Philanthropist #GameChanger!

Sincere, gracious, genuine, intelligent, chic and classy AND that is to say the least. Mrs. Dionne Boldin, wife of Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year, Anquan Boldin, is more than what meets the eye. Dionne is as fabulous as she appears in her killa’ #selfies we see on social media with a timeless air of bold self-confidence. A wife first, mother to two boys second and a philanthropist third, who believes in not only leaving a legacy of giving but creating the mindset to give as well.
Name: Dionne Boldin
Husband/Teams: Anquan Boldin (Cardinals, Ravens, 49ers, Lions)
Children: Ashton (6) & Anquan “AJ” (12)
What #hashtag describes you best: #gamechanger
Favorite place to vacation: It’s a tie between Greece & Paris
Best Concert you’ve EVER been to: Beyonce
Interesting Fact about yourself: I’m Jamaican
Hobbies: Traveling & cooking
Your favorite memory: Giving birth to my boys
Where are you originally from and how did you get to where you are now?
DB: I am from Belgrade, FL, which is a little town in West Palm Beach County. We now live in Delray Beach, FL so we are still surrounded by our family. We chose to live near this area specifically early on so we could be closer to our family and create a home base, which was especially important to us as the kids got older.
How did you and your husband meet? What’s your love story?
DB: We met in high school. He is from Pahake (FL), a neighboring small town to the one where I grew up so we have always known each other and we met in probably 5th grade. I was a junior and he was a senior when we started dating in high school. After that, we both went to the same college, Florida State University.
What are some of the challenges of being married to an NFL player and what do you like about it?
DB: I like the platform it affords us. The ability to be able to walk into a scenario where you instantly have a platform for whatever your cause may be has always meant a lot to me. As a wife, there is a fine line between staying in a supportive role to your husband and positioning your platform in a way that you are grabbing the right audiences as well. Your presence, your behavior is important because people are always watching to see if you are going to screw up and that makes a difference as far as the type of “positioning” and respect you’ll garner. I have known my husband since he was very young so it has always been great to be able to see him live his dream. What I don’t like about it (and that’s the hard part because we knew what we signed up for)--I do miss having privacy. I miss being able to go anywhere and him not being noticed. I will say that I don’t like the scrutiny that the guys get. The fans can rip them apart for the smallest things and they are seen as“just athletes” when in reality, many of these men are fathers, husbands and genuinely good guys.
WR: What are some of your favorite fondest WAGS memories?
DB: I like the camaraderie. Every team has their own sense of camaraderie and there are always a few wives who will reach out to you when you first arrive. From team to team, I have picked up life-long friends. Whether we are out to dinner with the girls or at a game, those moments (the time spent together) are some of my favorite memories. Of course, Super Bowl year with the Ravens was another fond memory. My time in San Francisco was one of my favorite memories. In both Baltimore and San Francisco, I led the women's Bible studies. Being one of the “older girls” in the group, I enjoyed seeing the younger girls grow. I learned so much about each of these girls and really enjoyed pouring into them.

WR: Is fashion a hobby for you or a love? We’ve seen your Instagram looks and are impressed to say the least!
DB: I’ve kinda always loved fashion. Over the years, I have tried to switch it up and make my look different and fun. I went out on a limb last year and brought on a stylist. We have been working together for over a year so at this point, we are friends now and we’re just having fun! In my free time, we talk fashion and put looks together. At some point in my life, I will be in the fashion industry. Where? I don’t know. For now, I am building my budding personal shopping concierge service called The Art of Shopping.

WR: What are your favorite pieces and collections that you have been wearing recently?
DB: Everything Gucci is doing is really great right now.
WR: Any all time favorite designers?
DB: Hermes or Chanel, accessories wise. I like what St. Laurent has been doing the last few seasons. My favorite pieces are Jackets and Bombers and I like nice, structured blazers by Balmain.
WR: Don’t we all?...!
WR: Your foundation work and charitable contributions are nothing short of amazing! Tell us more?
DB: Thank you very much. We started the foundation in 2004 and originally it was just an opportunity to give however that may be. My husband and I both grew up in underprivileged areas and our thought was that we would create opportunities only for those communities. So that is what we have been doing every since we started. In each city where Anquan has played, we have tried to serve in whatever and wherever that city had its specific needs. About two years ago, we created an endowment: It’s a $1 million dollar scholarship in San Francisco and Palm Beach areas for students who academically deserve and have shown a commitment to community service. Our mindset has always been to give and share wherever there is a need but more specifically, we want to CREATE a mindset of givers as opposed to just leaving a legacy where we were the only ones giving.
WR: Has there been one particular charitable experience or individual story that you really valued?
DB: Yes and I definitely see the results. For example, we had one kid who was expelled from his high school. He later went back and got his GED so we gave him a scholarship and now he’s a teacher and started a mentoring program back home (in FL). You can really change lives and shift their perspective and anybody that has been helped, anyone I have poured into- I hope I have created a mindset that this is what YOU need to do as well. We also have a family in San Francisco right now where the mother was homeless with two boys. We put her in an apartment where all of her bills are paid for, for the next year. She’s now saving money, on track to support herself and I speak to her at least every other week making sure she is doing everything she “should” be doing. I like the building of the relationships as well. We aren’t helping you to leave you. Life is about relationships and serving. There are so many rich people in the world who are mentally poor.
WR: Your Husband was recently awarded the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year. What type of impact has this had on you and your family?
DB: It’s impacted us in two ways. It has afforded us a platform to get our message out to a different group. This year as well as the year before he was nominated, we’ve seen such a jump in interest. I also like the notoriety of this award. The NFL finally displaying a positive light on the men enables me to appreciate the League for putting this award, front and center. There are so many guys doing the same kind of work who are as deserving. Secondly, we have been able to spend some personal time with the Payton Family. Growing up, Walter Payton was Anquan’s hero. They (The Paytons) are “who they say they are” and they are great people to be around.
WR: That is powerful. Shifting a bit as it’s wedding season and you have been married for over 10 years now. Every day, we see another picture of a beautiful bride. Before we wrap up, do you have any veteran marriage advice or tips for a newlywed?
DB: I have learned to prioritize one another and even before your kids. Prioritize your marriage and your spouse, which seems difficult when we have babies running around but putting kids in their place has helped us a lot. During the season, I do what’s uncomfortable for me and sometimes that requires me to do what’s not physically comfortable because I travel to every game. It gives us some time alone so I make it a priority. Keep people out of your business! That means not involving your girlfriends or your mother or father but keep your business at home. In the world of sports, there are a lot of insecurities floating around and rightfully so but, give your husband the opportunity to protect you.
WR: You seem like a lady who gets "it" all done! Tell us, what do you do in your home that no one else can do?
A Chi Chi Chic Wedding| Nicole Camak
Hi Ladies, I received my childhood girlfriends wedding invitation in the mail several months back and on the invite the wedding attire stated to come "Chi Chi Chic"! I smiled when I read this, and the first thought that popped in my mind was Housewives of Beverly Hills, Lisa Vanderpump's party planner! I swear I've heard him say "Chi Chi" (she-she) so many times I even started to say it like him. If you've watched the show, you know what I mean. Saying chi chi chic out loud made me think long gown, strapless, flowy and a pink rose- blush color! However if you're anything like me you wait to the last minute to find your outfit! Not only could I not find my dream dress but, I couldn't find A dress! So a couple days before the wedding I walk into the mall with a hope and a prayer and I found an elegant-sexy black dress. I thought to myself "I'm not excited that this dress is black but I'm going to find a way to jazz it up." I packed all my accessory options and I was just gonna wing it when it was time to get ready. I ended up wearing colorful jeweled drop earring, sparkly shoes you couldn't see (lol), a classic black clutch bag and with the help of my friend Courtney we threw my hair up in a topknot. I felt pretty! And ladies, if it feels good then it's right and no matter what always wear your confidence! Congratulations to #THEHARTS!
-Nicole xo
Dress- Faviana
Clutch- Tom Ford
Earrings- H&M
Shoe- Jimmy Choo
We weren't allowed to have our cell phones so I snapped a few shots in the parking lot before we took off!

Featured WAG: Behind the Brand with The Diamond Duchess, Leah Miller
You know her. We love her. She is one of us! Meet Leah Miller, better known as The Diamond Duchess and the face behind the most amazing, customized, crystallized pieces in the game. When she isn't creating masterpieces for yourself and your little ones, she is building an empire that embodies the principle of "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Leah is wife to retired NFL veteran QB, Jim Miller, and mother to three (plus one on the way!). She is a Believer and a genuinely beautiful "BOSS" who shines bright like a diamond.

"I give all glory to God! All of His door openings, all of His vision and all of His ideas that I have received have taken Bella to where it is today. I know that it is ALL HIM because I work from my home studio, in a basement in Michigan. Who on earth would ever see me or what I do if it weren't for HIM?!? No one would know about me if it were not for HIM."
Name: Leah Paulovich Miller, Founder of Bella Artistry
Player/Team(s): Jim Miller (QB) Steelers, Jaguars, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Tampa Bay, Patriots, Giants
Children: 3 (Sophia-14, Emmanuel “Manny”-9, King James “KJ” -2) and one on the way arriving November 2016.
Kanye or Carrie Underwood? Carrie
Ice Cream or Potato Chips? Ice Cream
Yoga or Spin? Neither
Manicure or Massage? Manicure

Where are you originally from and how did you get to where you are now?
I am originally from Pittsburgh. We (my family and I) now live in Michigan near Jim’s hometown. Oddly enough, we don’t have family here anymore but he started a custom home building company when he was playing here so he wanted to be near the company after he retired from the NFL.
How did you meet your Husband?
I was in college during my senior year at the University of Pittsburgh. I met Jim three days after the Super Bowl (96’), the Steelers had just lost that year (that was actually the first football game I ever watched on purpose). Ironically, I was actually dating an Olympic wrestler at the time and he was supposed to meet me out that night but he didn’t show up for some reason. That was the night I met Jim. I dated both of them for a little while. The funny part is that they were both "hometown heros" and would be invited to be on the same celebrity panels at a lot of the same events in the area. It was quite surreal when Jim was starting his first game in the NFL and the wrestler was at the game to flip the pre game coin while I watched from the stands. After awhile Jim and I started dating exclusively and we dated for three and a half years before getting married. We got married in Vegas. We didn’t elope but we knew there would not be enough time between him popping the question and me planning the wedding of my dreams during the offseason. We’ve been married 17 years.

Tell us about some of your most favorite WAGS memories?
The Super Bowl, of course. Even though Jim was the backup to Tom (Brady), we were still a part of the team and you can’t compare anything to that experience. I would also say I enjoy the lifelong friendships that you create. I know women all over the world from all walks of life because our paths crossed in the NFL. We don’t talk every day but, when we do, it’s like we have not missed a beat. My business (Bella Artistry) was born out of that time in our lives. I owe a lot of credit to that part of our lives for the niche I am in now.
As the wife of a retired player, how does your day to day differ from when Jim was still playing?
Jim is retired from playing but still involved with the NFL and fully immersed in football. So, my busy schedule and his still revolves around the NFL. Out of all of Bella Artistry's sports clients, the NFL clients make up 80% of our business, so my busy season ends up being the same as his. Jim is still gone three to four days out of the week and he travels more now that when he was playing in the NFL. During NFL season/school year I get up at about 5:15 to get my kids going and get ready for my staff of 13-21 (depending on time of year) to arrive. On the business side of my life, when you own your company- work doesn’t stop. You don't get to clock out and forget about it until the next day. But that's okay because I love to be busy and feel so much more accomplished when I have worked a 16-hour workday. For me, having my own "thing" is more enjoyable than working out, cooking dinner, house stuff and waiting for Jim to get home from football practice. I was busy then (when he was playing) but, this busy is “times 1000” and I LOVE work. My children are my most perfect creations and I am so grateful that I have been able to work from home for so long and spend as much time with them as I can.

What advice would you have for WAGS trying to find the balance between their own identity and that of their men?
My tip for anyone is to find something you love, to make it your job and to get your own identity outside of who “he” is. When the crap hits the fan after football is over (and EVERYONE will go through a period of transition), if the wife has something of her own then they are more likely to stay married. Find out what is important to you because football does not last long. I never liked the idea of being “Jim Miller’s wife.” Funny story, a few years ago at the Super Bowl someone came up to my husband and asked, "Aren’t you Leah Miller’s husband"? I got the biggest kick out of it! For years, I prayed that God would make me independent, self-reliant, and self-sufficient and He did it. I don't have to rely on anyone but God. Even if your spouse isn’t on board (with what you spiritually believe in), God will ensure that you have the desires of your heart if you make HIM your number one.
How did The Diamond Duchess concept and brand develop? You create the most amazing pieces, Leah!
I appreciate that. I’m touched by your kind compliment. I was an art major by training (my bachelor's is in painting and sculpting) and I worked for my father’s marketing firm for eight years and did really well for myself. I was making six figures on my own before I got married. Part of our (Jim and my) deal was that during the offseason we would live in Pittsburgh so I would still be able to work for my parents' company and travel back and forth from our in season locale to continue to service my clients. But when it was time to make the move, Jim didn’t want to move. So I was forced to leave my job. There was only so much shopping, cooking and cleaning I could do before I lost my mind. So I decided to cultivate my first love, which is murals and furniture. I started a painting company and painted furniture and murals for doctor’s offices, other player’s homes and other clients for about two years until I got pregnant. One day while pregnant with my first baby, I was working on scaffolding painting on the ceiling of a doctor’s office and caused myself some serious issues; I almost lost my first baby because the work was more dangerous than I realized. I knew then that I had to come back home.
What were the early days like?
When we first got into the league, there was not a lot of team-related things to wear to your husband’s games except a big, boxy jersey from his locker or the same one everyone else was wearing from the team store. I started creating because I didn’t want to wear something like that and there weren’t any other women’s sports clothes options. They didn't make any women's jerseys then. I had already been designing with crystals and other embellishments and would do pieces for myself and my girlfriends to wear to games or as gifts. Word would eventually spread as my friends moved from team to team so Bella just got bigger and bigger. At first, I did it for free but while we were in Palm Beach during one of Jim’s recoveries (2003, I believe), I began to charge a fee and made it into a business.
What are some of your favorite items you’ve created?
I really like designing shoes and I like to see footballs completed. I design every single piece that goes through the company. At any given time of year, I can have up to 21 wonderful and talented seamstresses and artists working at Bella bringing my ideas to reality. During Super Bowl Season, I had a team of 21 ladies working double shifts to get all 90 orders done in a 10 day period. I still say that accomplishment was miraculous! I prayed and prayed God would help us get our orders completed on time and we finished everything in 9 days (plus some of the orders for the girls on the waiting list)! Having something you've designed in your head and scribbled on paper come into existence from almost nothing but a pile of materials and Crystal is very rewarding.
This was a big wedding year for you, wasn’t it?

Yes, we were honored to be asked to create for some of the most fabulous weddings of the year. Nina and Earl Thomas, Gypsy and Aqib Talib, Cannon and Collins Tuohy Smith and Risalyn and DeAngelo Williams were some of my biggest weddings this year. We are honored to even be asked to create for such a special day. It’s up there next to the Super Bowl. Also, the volume of work is great to have, especially in the off season. Nina Thomas, for instance, had 22 robes, 15 jerseys and glasses made for the ceremony. The wives are pulling out all of the stops for their big day and they want it to be the best of the best so it’s an honor to be included in that. What’s your big picture for the brand?
We are currently working on our new storefront and studio. Our house is on a lake and so is our new location. We’ve slowly been refurbishing an area that is literally a “stones throw” from my house. We started it about two years ago but, over the past year I’ve really been working hard to get in the new space. My next goal is to complete it by the time the baby comes (God willing). The new location will quadruple our working space and we will have a storefront that will allow people to come in and design their own furniture, clothes and accessories; Customers will be able to procure our seamstresses on staff for alterations and custom clothing as well. You have accomplished some really beautiful moments over the past decade. If you were not an entrepreneur, what would you be doing instead?
Well, I always make jokes that my mom and I would open up our own Private Investigator/ Interior Design Firm! I do love to do interior design AND use my superb sleuthing skills. I am very much like my mom (and dad) because they are very artistic and brilliant business people. I hope to become half of what they are.
I have to say that looking back on where I have come from is amazing. I honestly started my company in my spare closet. To go from just me in a 5'x8' closet to 21 people with 4000 sq. feet makes me teary-eyed. I give all glory to God! All of His door openings, all of His vision and all of His ideas that I have received have taken Bella to where it is today. I know that it is ALL HIM because I work from my home studio, in a basement in Michigan. Who on earth would ever see me or what I do if it weren't for HIM?!? No one would know about me if it were not for HIM.

Check out more of Leah's work on Instagram @thediamondduchess or online at www.bellaartistry.com
#OOTD Training Camp Edition| Nicole Camak
You can wear almost anything to see your honey at training camp but, I like to get cute when I go see my love at work! "Mommy Functional" is a must and I only had time for either hair or makeup, naturally I chose makeup. Nothing super special, yet simple and pretty. xo, Nicole Headband: Natasha Accessories
Crop Top: Naked Wardrobe
High waisted short: Zara
Gladiator sandal: Free People
Baby: Sophia by Gilchrist
Tips to packing the PERFECT summer suitcase!

As most of us know, the offseason is often a time for traveling. Whether it’s a “baecation” with just you and your significant other or a family vacation, as women- we need to be prepared for everything. Personally, I tend to over pack but I’m always ready and I love options! There are a few items of importance during offseason travel but before anything else- it is very important to check the weather and culture of your destination in order to pack accordingly. Once that has been done, here is a small guide that has helped me and I hope will help you to pack the right essentials for your trip.
- Dress Code
- During the summer months and pretty much anywhere you travel it will be warm unless you’re intentionally choosing to travel north or somewhere colder than normal. The key is to have an idea of what your plans may be once you arrive to your destination. Most people will head somewhere tropical to enjoy the warm sun and sandy beaches. In that case all you will need are a few bright colored bathing suits and flowy dresses to be as comfortable and cool as possible. A little white dress is great for summer and it’s even better if it falls slightly off the shoulders, that way you can dress it up or down. Depending on the length of your trip I would pack at least two outfits for each day; one for day and another for the night time. If you plan on spending the majority of your time at the beach then make sure you pack a variety of swimsuits as well as a few sexy cover ups and comfortable beach sandals. Anything floral is always a good idea for a tropical vacation.
- Your shoes are just as important as your outfits!
- They can seriously make or break your sanity while traveling. Make sure to pack flats as well as heels for a date night option. It also helps if you pack at least one great pair of running shoes just in case you decide to go for a hike through the rainforest or any other cool excursion. It helps to be prepared and it will definitely decrease your level of stress.

3. My go to beach essentials:
1. Mine include sunscreen, suntan lotion (I prefer the one by Jergens with the added “golden glow”), a pair of oversized sunglasses, and a hat to shield your pretty face from direct sunlight. Now call me crazy but I do wear my foundation on the beach. It actually has SPF so I know pretty well protected AND I can always get some good selfies while I’m out there. Win -Win! Also, remember to keep your skin hydrated in such a warm environment by drinking lots of water. Any body wash that has an extra exfoliation component will help your skin stay smooth and rid you of any dead skin cells you may encounter. At night try to rehydrate your skin from being on the beach by using a shower lotion on your body. I would suggest Olay Ultra Moisture In Shower Body Lotion or Nivea. Both do a great job at hydrating your skin.
4. Hair:
- My recommendation is that you twist or braid your hair in a desired style so that you won’t have to worry too much about styling. Putting too much heat in your hair can cause serious damage especially when your hair is getting wet daily (while on vacay.) For my natural hair I use Organic Dry Shampoo and I spritz it with water to keep it hydrated.
- Accessories:
- A statement necklace and classic gold pieces with big and bold cocktail rings to match can really bring your outfit to life. Pair your long necklace with your white off the shoulder dress and instantly upgrade your look from “boho to boho chic!” Another great idea is stackable bracelets. I love my Alex and Ani bracelets and they pair well with the rest of my gold accessories. Also, your personal bag or purse. I’ve always thought it was easier to travel with a miniature backpack or a cross body tote. With the backpack you are able to carry a large amount of items including a water bottle (I prefer the glass or stainless steel because they stay cool longer), your makeup bag and other must needed toiletries. The cross body is a good idea when you’re out having lunch, shopping or just exploring. Although it’s smaller than a backpack it is ideal to help keep your hands free so that you can maneuver around much easier and keep up with your children if needed.
- Music:
- One last thing but still very important is your music. My family loves music so I believe it is necessary to have a few playlists on your phone. One for yourself when you’re relaxing by the pool, which might include Beyoncé or Adele depending on your mood, one for the kids and another playlist for you and your honey. Music is very important when you’re trying to set the mood so don’t skip this step!
Lastly, be sure to try on all your outfits before packing so that you have a sense of what goes with what. This helps so that you don’t over pack items you only hope to wear as opposed to what you will wear. Pack things that will make you feel effortless and comfortable. This is a strategy I learned after having my daughter. When I was in my early 20s, I was able to “eye” a piece of clothing and automatically know how it would fit my body but now that’s impossible. I have to try things on in order to get an understanding of how it will fit and that way I don’t over pack as much. I hope my tips help with your summer plans! ENJOY!
Doll me up! Warm Summer Glam|Nicole Camak
Hi Beautys, My Beach Babe look is sexy and fierce, great for a summer evening out on the town! I'm wearing 3D Mink stacked lashes (reusable up to 25 times) -today's YouTube shows how to fix a common nose contour mistake, shares some wonderful NEW products and spills the perfect waterline shade everyone can wear. What makes you feel "Summertime" fine? Write me below & Enjoy my video!
-Nicole xo
Outfit Details:
PlaySuit: Free People
Free People
Choosing the Perfect Wedding Dress
My first time entering Kleinfeld Bridal in the center of Manhattan New York, I was in awe. It was the beginning of winter and the entire boutique was decorated for Christmas. I was there to interview for an internship position as I needed the credentials for college graduation. Sure, I could have chosen an internship somewhere closer to home in Florida but I was in love with the television show “Say Yes to the Dress” and once I found out that Kleinfeld offered internships- it was simply a matter of getting my mom on board. Once she agreed to accompany me to my interview and of course support me financially during my stay, I was ready!
The boutique itself was like a winter wonderland. As I walked in I couldn’t help but stare at all the beautiful merchandise the store had to offer. I was offered the position as a bridal consultant assistant for the duration of my internship. I had the opportunity to learn about the different types of gowns, fabrics, veils, shoes; you name it and it was there. I was honored to meet several bridal dress designers such as Pnina Tornai, Lazaro, and Jim Helm. And as a bonus, “Say Yes to the Dress” was being filmed daily and I was able to see first hand how their filming process worked and meet the producers. It was amazing! Each day Kleinfeld’s had roughly 100 appointments made by women all over the world. I was able to gain firsthand knowledge of what dresses best fit certain body types. Many of the brides we encountered would bring in magazine cut outs of their dream dresses that they HAD to try on before anything else. Upon trying on their “dream dress” they would soon reconsider realizing that the model in the picture wasn’t always a realistic expectation. In reality, most of the dresses on display are a size 2 or 4 in sample sizes, which translates to a size 0 or 2 in bridal. But, with the help of the correct undergarments and accessories- a bride’s dream dress is never too far gone. It could be hiding right under your nose depending on your budget and most importantly your own personal style.
A woman with a slim waist and slim hips can wear several different bridal styles. One being a sheath like dress, usually made of really soft material such as silk, satin, or lace. This dress may look and feel more like a gown but, is perfect for a evening wedding on the beach or an upscale New York nuptial. Another great style can be an A-line or ball gown. This dress cinches at the waist while also giving the bride an illusion around the hips of a full bodied skirt.

A woman with a slim waist and curve of the hips. This bride’s body type is best when paired with a dress that may show off the bride’s curves. A mermaid or "fit and flare" are great styles for this bride. This type of dress will hug your body and should fit like a glove.With the correct undergarments that evenly smooth over the waist area this style of dress can be considered very sexy and glamorous.

The “All over curvy” bride may feel most beautiful in an A line or ball gown. Also, a mermaid with a corset back. The corset back is able to pull and cinch to the fit you desire without feeling like you may pass out. This will give the bride the illusion of a smaller waist and will celebrate the curve of her hips. For this bride or any other bride with a larger chest, the bra will be the most essential item to splurge on as well as the waist cincher/girdle. It is important to get fitted correctly so that you’re not constantly having to adjust your gown and you definitely don’t want to be uncomfortable on your special day.
Last but certainly not least, don’t forget about undergarments! The right undergarments can seriously make or break your entire bridal look. You don’t want to wear the wrong bra and/or Spanx because it can cause your dress to look bunchy and it may not lay flat as it should against your body. Try to remember to take your undergarments with you to your fittings to be sure that your look is everything you desire. Please remember that I am not an expert! But, do keep an open mind when looking for your wedding dress because dresses almost always look amazing on the hanger. It is important to try on all of your options and be sure that it truly is the perfect dress you’ve always dreamed of!
Quote: “The dress is made to fit me, not the other way around.” – Jennifer Lopez (Monster in Law)