After my recent interview with WAG Maggie Bailey, I felt immensely inspired. She is a blogger, creative crafting mastermind, author, mom, wife, and chef in her own kitchen, among other things.
Her many hobbies: crafting, scrapbooking, sewing, refurbishing furniture, songwriting, party planning, cooking-- basically anything that allows her to be creative and think outside the box! Maggie is a modern day Martha Stewart on steroids; there is no creative endeavor that she cannot take on.
This 30-year-old Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania native currently resides in the beautiful Southern city of Nashville, TN with her husband, retired 2009 Super Bowl Champion, Patrick Bailey, and their two children: Greta Rose and Beau Bailey.
Maggie and I sat down to discuss her passions and how seven years as a NFL spouse further harboured her creative entrepreneurial spirit.
Maggie is a devout woman of faith and has been committed to following Christ for many years. In today's society, that is quite admirable. Maggie and Patrick were both virgins when they were married.
Maggie: Patrick and I were set up his rookie year in Pittsburgh by one of my friends and two of his teammates. When my friend found out Patrick was a virgin, saving himself for marriage, she thought to introduce him to me, a fellow virgin, also waiting until marriage. She had previously set me up with someone and it was all kinds of wrong! The guy actually stood me up! When she called wanting to set me up again, I basically told her "thanks but no thanks," adding that she didn't know my type. She said, "No, I think I found your future husband--he's a virgin!" I was intrigued. I had never dated a guy who shared my conviction before! I decided to give him a shot, and I'm so glad I did!
Describe your marriage to Patrick and how it has inspired you to be a better woman?
Maggie: My hubby is most likely to tell me I’m beautiful when I’m in sweats with no makeup on which has given me so much confidence to just be me. That confidence has filled me and spilled over into other areas of my life, affording me the courage to “keep it 100% real” on my blog.

What about being a mom gives you the most joy?
Maggie: Nothing is more satisfying than watching my babies learn and grow which in turn inspires me to grow as a woman. Becoming a parent has given me a greater perspective on God and strengthened my relationship with Him. I now fully realize that God does love me no matter what, because I feel that way about my children. What I’ll never understand though is how He could sacrifice His Son for us. Becoming a parent makes you realize how great and big of a love that truly is!
What are your ultimate career goals?
Maggie: My ultimate career goal is to become an author. I’m working on my first book as I continue to keep my blog going.

How do you balance motherhood, supporting your husband, and chasing your dreams?
Maggie: In order to successfully handle adulting, I MUST operate on a schedule. Supporting my husband, taking care of my family and pursuing my own dreams is all about making and keeping a schedule! In Lysa Terkherst's Bible Study, The Best Yes, she shared that to become a writer, she had to actually schedule in the time that she would write her book and respect that scheduled time as she would any other appointment. This was really interesting to me and I set out to implement it in my own life. I’ve since found a better sense of balance as my dreams always tend to take the backseat to my husband and kids.
Be honest, when is being a mom most difficult?
Maggie: In order to be a great wife and mom, I have to remember to take care of myself too. Carving out time to pursue my passion is necessary to keep me going! Guilt, frustrations and stress are inevitable; It’s not easy keeping it all together! However, I find time for me during those pivotal hours where my kids are napping. I have to remind myself that taking that time for me is more important than keeping my house looking like a Pottery Barn catalog! It’s a constant battle for the perfectionist in me who wants to honor her schedule AND make sure everything is in place. I have to remind myself daily that we were made out of dust, so a little dust isn’t so bad.
Words of wisdom for other WAGS?
With Patrick in school (he’s going into his second year at Vanderbilt’s Owen School of Business) and me at home with the kids all day, it can be tough. When he finally gets home from school, the kids are so excited to see him and he's excited to see them too (which makes my heart so happy). But having that alone time for just the two of us is imperative-date nights are so necessary! We try to have at least 2 per month, one that he plans and one that I plan. We don’t have family nearby, so we have the added expense of a babysitter - which keeps many parents from taking date nights. I choose to look at this extra fee as an investment in our marriage! The alone time together is so important to keep a marriage fresh and thriving!
My favorite quote is “Tough times never last, tough people do!” Obstacles are inevitable, and positivity is needed to overcome! Through life in the NFL, my life mantra became, “Grow where you are planted.” I tried to remember through team changes that God was putting us right where we were meant to be! I’m still trying to remember this through the uncertainty of life after football! Once Patrick finishes school, we could be anywhere, which is a scary thought! I find peace in knowing that God will place us right where He wants us to be and grow!
Tell us more about your blog!
The Bailey Bunch Blog is a faith and family blog where I share my navigation through life as a Christian wife and mom. I keep things 100% real on my little space of the World Wide Web! My prayer is that my readers leave feeling like they can identify with me and feel a little more normal knowing that they aren’t the only ones who don’t have it all together!
Aside from my faith-inspired reflections, I also share: DIY projects and tips, Pinterest Flops and Finds, Company Collaborations, Bailey Bunch Bargains, Travel Itineraries and Trip Overviews!
Website: www.thebaileybunchblog.com
Contact: [email protected]
Facebook: The Bailey Bunch Blog
Instagram: @magrose226
Pinterest: The Bailey Bunch Blog