This week's WOTW is baseball wife Allison Plutko. Read more about this beauty and how to connect below!

More on Allison...
I'm Allison. My husband Adam plays baseball for the Cleveland Indians (MLB). I currently work at Lululemon and one of my main hobbies is working out (I run and do a lot of Soul Cycle).

I am originally from Dallas, TX and my husband and I met in college at UCLA. We both love wine & shopping (especially shoes!). We have a GIANT German shepherd named Maximus who, of course, travels with us and sleeps in the bed with us. 😜 We stay in most of the time and love having our friends over to our house for dinner- my hubby is an amazing cook!

Connect with Allison on social media for more #fitspiration @mrsplutko.
WAG OF THE WEEK is brought to you by WAGS REDEFINED (@WAGSREDEFINED) and LUX WAGS (@LUXWAGS). Want to nominate a WAG? Email [email protected]