Well ladies, the time has come. Football season is here. We have our checklists ready: stock up on team gear, tally up those that have put their dibs in on game tickets, collaborate on tailgates. All seems complete. Well except for one thing, how can I finally fulfill the promise I have made to myself year in and year out: to not spend any money on concessions! WAGS, the temptation is real. 1,000 calories later all intentions of standing your ground against the buttery aroma of popcorn and candy packs mysteriously floating down the aisle, have gone out the window. Guilty as charged. Well played stadium, well played.
I don't know about you ladies, but I am ready to come out of the season with a "W." Me: 20 Concessions: 0. (Okay realistically maybe 12:8 but who's counting?) So how do we do that with a margarita outside of every tunnel and friends saying "I'm hungry, you want some pizza?" Well, since you guys know I love lists, I'm here with another one to help you swerve those bad boys and come out of the game with a W regardless of the game score!
- EAT BEFORE HAND: I know many of us might do this already but, it is all about the timing. Whether you are eating at the WAGS tailgates or at home with the family, try to eat as close to game time as possible. You know your body, so time your meals out so that you are ready to eat something before kickoff. This helps to make sure you aren't hurtin' with hunger come halftime.
- FIND THE FAMILY ROOM: In some NFL stadiums you may have access to a family room as a WAG and if not you should suggest to the team's women's association leader to push to get one. In the family room you can typically find fruit and vegetable platters, waters and sometimes even sandwiches- all the things that can help you satisfy a food craving without going over the top on calories or having to spend money! Ask around to find out what perks you get as a WAG because there are plenty to be found, believe me.
- STASH A PACK OF TRAIL MIX: The stadium bag policy is that you have to have either a small wallet/clutch or that all items need to be placed in clear bag (check your stadium website for more info prior to showing up.) HOWEVER, I have found that when I bring my clear bag security does not go through every small pouch within that bag. So with that being said; if you can find a place to tuck in a small pouch of trail mix (almonds are known for their appetite suppressing effects) or another snack you may be able to beat the hunger until the game is over! (Disclaimer: I cannot promise they won't ever find your snack stash and make you throw it away lol.)
- CALM DOWN: In some people, stress and emotion can trigger "hunger." If you know that you are an emotional eater, anytime that you begin to feel hungry try to ask yourself "would I eat an apple right now?" If your answer is "no, I want some ice cream," then it is likely that you are not actually hungry but instead dealing with a food craving possibly due to emotion. Ladies, it is an emotional game...know the difference between emotional hunger and actual physical hunger.
- AVOID THE GUM: Studies have shown that gum (in particularly those with aspartame as a sweetener) may increase hunger. Personally, I used to believe that gum did the exact opposite so I would chew a piece when I felt the hunger coming on. Unfortunately, it only made it WORSE! So, do not.... I repeat DO NOT... start chomping on gum when you feel a little craving or you just might find yourself at the concessions counter 15 minutes later.

Lets go get those W's this season ladies!