WAGcademy Conference 2018
Los Angeles
July 20 - 21

Just some of the words our attendees used to describe the inaugural WAGcademy Conference.
We're recapping the highlights right here. At WAGcademy 2018, more than 50 WAGS from football, basketball, boxing, baseball, and hockey gathered in downtown Los Angeles to UNITE AND IGNITE! We felt the love. These photos will give you the feels too. Check it out.
For a detailed recap, read this WAGcademy review by moderator and committee member, Asia Saffold.
And watch this vlog by MAKING A DIFFERENCE panelist Brittany Ross.
JULY 20, 2018 - The WAGS Redefined team thanks our 2018 WAGcademy Conference community partner, the LA Dream Center, for working with us to give back to the Los Angeles community. A portion of WAGcademy ticket sales (10%) was donated to the nonprofit organization fighting poverty, addiction, and abuse. On Friday, July 20, 2018, WAGS Redefined members, WAGcademy attendees and WAGcademy sponsors gathered at The LA Dream Center in downtown Los Angeles to pack 2,500 backpacks with necessary school supplies for the upcoming school year for youth in need. The day was full of good vibes: LA sunshine, uplifting music, and a group of people there to serve and spread love! The backpacks were distributed by members of the Los Angeles Dodgers organization on August 4th. Thank you to everyone who made it a success!

Saturday, July 21, 2018 - The FIRST EVER conference for wives and significant others of professional athletes across various sports took place at Hudson Loft in downtown Los Angeles. The full day conference was hosted by WAGS Redefined and presented by Bank of America.
This section is for those who attended the WAGcademy "Get in the Game" workshop with Janae Laury and had professional headshots taken. (PASSWORD PROTECTED)